Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club Flag Program
Arlington Sunrise Rotary has been proudly displaying the United States Flag in various neighborhoods for over 20 years. What started out with 75 flags back in 1998 has grown to over 1,000 flags being displayed each holiday. The fee is $75 per year for six holidays. We currently display the flags in 6 neighborhoods in Arlington. As much as we would like to display them all over the city, we physically cannot. We need to keep the flags concentrated in our neighborhoods in order for them to get displayed each holiday. Please refer to the Service Area tab on this site to see if we cover your area.
Due to the growth of our program we enlisted the help of local Boy Scout Troops to help with our program. Currently Troops 545, 615 & 934 assist us each holiday. They are paid for each new customer they bring to the program, plus are paid in the display and retrieval of the flags each holiday. This aids them in their activities and community programs.
In the event of inclement weather, we will not display the flags if it is raining the morning of a holiday. To make up for the missed holiday, we will display them the Saturday following the holiday. Should it rain after the flags have been displayed in the morning, we will check the flags to see if they are still wet. Should that be the case, we leave the flags out to dry out over night. Why? If we roll up a wet flag, then it becomes mildewed and we have desecrated the flag, something we do not want to do. We realize that the flag should be taken down after sunset, but we also do not want to purposely ruin a flag, so in those situations, we do leave them out so the flag can properly dry out. Thank you for your understanding.
Over the years we have raised over $350,000. Here is some of what your subscription has allowed us to do:
Scholarships for High School Students - $124,600
Holiday Families - $51,400
Boy Scout Troops 421, 118, & 524 - $42,730
Sunrise Creative Playground Dunlop Park - $21,000
RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Award - $35,100
Phased In - $10,000
Other misc. charities - $65,170